Lincoln Northeast High School
Class Of 1961
Grades K thru 6
Northeast Child Center Picture. 3rd grade 1951-1952
Northeast Child Center First Grade 1949-1950 Miss Keller
Left to right
First row Second row
Frosty Chapman Evan Haydon
Patty Sue Coleman Ginger Koon
Darlene Sederburg Mary Caryln DeVaney
Laura ? Judy Catlett
Keith Jackson Mary Jo Thacker
Kathy Lux Ardyth Holscher
Jim Gillette Janeil Shepherd
Fred Gass
Karin McCarthy
Michael Mills
Northeast Child Center 1st Grade Class 1949-1950
Miss Keller (later Mrs. Mickle)
Left to Right
Front Row Back Row
? Judy Catlett
? Kathy Lux
Darlene Sederburg Michael Mills
Patty Sue Coleman Frosty Chapman
? Janeil Shepherd
Mary Caryln DeVaney Mary Jean Bovey
Jim Gillette Ginger Koon
Keith Jackson Fred Gass
Cindy Hester Ardyth Holscher
? Evan Haydon
? Karin McCarthy
? Mary Jo Thacker
? Ronnie Fisher
Painting eggs in Miss Keller's class in 1950, 1st grade.
Left to right: Darlene Sederburg, Mary Jo Thacker, Evan Haydon, Fred Gass, and Ardyth Holscher.
The 12 months of calendars on the wall have the classmate's birthdays listed in the proper months.
Members of the Northeast Child Center 3rd grade class 1951-1952
( I think this is correct but could have some errors )
Marc Borchers Edith Hart
Mary Jean Bovey Evan Haydon
Judy Catlett Sue Heilman
Frosty Chapman Ardyth Holscher
Patty Sue Coleman Keith Jackson
Sharon Dammon (Framstead) Virginia Koon
Larry Delhay Kathleen Lux
Janet Everett Gerald Pierce
Fred Gass Darlene Sederburg
Judy Goin Janeil Shepherd
Cherie Graves Sandra Schick
Wylie Griffith Janet Sommer
Larry Hamilton Mary Jo Thacker
Larry Handa Dean Thompson
Havelock 3rd Grade 1951-1952 Miss Carriker
Left to Right
Front row Second row Third row Fourth row
? ? Janet Trook Sheri Parks
Bill Hoppe Ron Weyers Lyle Tautfest Sandra Schuman
? Glenda Ankrom Curt Kiner ?
? Duane Lutji ? ?
Walter Mellon Steve Brown Rita Catheral
Kathy Emery ?
? ?
Don Stump
Art Bandars
Havelock 4th Grade 1952-1953 Mrs. Overton
Left to Right
Front row Second row Third row
Rita Nelson Helen Price Larry Mahagan
Barbara Ridgley Gary Maxwell Janet Chitum
Melvin Schuler Kay Stoehr Butch Lyon
Madeline Towns Diane Hergenrader Phil Cave
? Helen Koch
Diane Hedricks Susan Newburn
Larry Phillips Delores Houser
? Anna Marie Barrett
Bob Martin Richard Pickard
Ed Harmon Neil Staberg
History of Huntington School
Originally Jackson High School stood alone on 47th street in the middle of the block on the west side between Cleveland street and Adams street in University Place. When Northeast High School opened in 1941, Jackson High School was closed. Huntington Elementary school stood across 47th street from Jackson High on the east side of the street. It was originally a yellow two-story frame building on the corner lot. In 1949 Huntington was overcrowded and some classes were held in the basement of the old Jackson High with the upper floors used for Army Reserve classes. Eventually all of Jackson High was occupied by Huntington elementary. The old frame building was torn down and a three story brick building was built to also house Huntington elementary. Later a new gym and cafeteria was constructed. In 1999, both buildings were torn down and a new Huntington School was built at the west end of the two properties with a new address of 2900 N. 46th Street.
Huntington School Class Pictures
Huntington 2nd Grade 1950-1951 Mrs Heneger
Left to right 3rd row
1st row 2nd row Mrs Heneger
Kip Hoffman Ted James Willis Leyden
Karon Otto Cheryl Kennell David Rigg
Penny Paulson Rex Stack Barbara Hand
Mike Lessard Prudence Irwin Frank Richardson
Sandy Hansmire Jane Holm Suzanne Plum
Martha May Ann Miller Daryl McC ?
Denny Craig Billy Stinchcomb Evelyn S ?
Linda Lee Steve Eisenach John Gould
Judy Ueberrhein Diane Underwood Mary Jean Prochaska
Raymond Ortiz Sarah Hohenstein Wes ?
Miss Reed
Huntington 2nd Grade 1950-1951 Miss Lenz
Left to right
1st row 2nd row 3rd row
Virginia Dolezal Milton Chubbuck Miss Lenz
Gary Roblyer Janet Varga Connie Myers
Joan Knox Sylvia Bell Cecil Pine
Donna Anderson Charles Bloom Ralph Wolfe
Daryl Chapelle Larry Kness Winona Spink
James Hartman ? Lange Nancy Cornell
Sheryl Robinson John Perry Barry Ferguson
Mary Lou Kreps Cathy VanLandingham James Wiest
Barbara Hand Phillip Holmes James Olson
Marjorie Johnson
Cheryll Hoon
Huntington 3rd Grade 1951-1952 Miss Neth
Left to Right
1st row (front) 2nd row 3rd row
Sue Hile ? Miss Neth
Milton Chubbuck ? ?
? ? ?
Pat Neiswanger Cecil Pine ?
Sally Johnston ? ?
Barbara McGrail ? ?
Bobby Lyons Don Anderson Ralph Wolfe
? ? Alan Barkley
? ?
Huntington 3rd Grade 1951-1952 Mrs Poe
Left to right
1st row (front) 2nd row 3rd row
Mary Jean Prochaska John Perry Cherrl Robinson
Larry Kness Phil Holmes Marge Johnson
Cheryl Hoon Willis Leyden ?
Ted James Gary Roblyer Connie Myers
Denny Craig Daryl Chapelle ?
James Olson John Gould Nancy ?
Sandy Hansmire ? ?
Virginia Dolezal ? Joan Knox
Mary Lou Kreps
Cathy Van Landingham
Karon Otto
1st row (left) 2nd row 3rd row
Roger Wright Penny Paulson Prudence Irwin
Linda Schmieding Janet Varga Steve Eisenach
Claude Wingrove Donna Anderson Phyllis Portsche
Judy Ueberrhein James Hartman Kip Hoffman
Orley Cookson Sarah Hohenstein Mary Forrest
Jane Holm Martha May Ann Miller
Minford Greiss Dennis Page
Barry Jackson Linda Lee
Rex Stack Winona Spink
Susanne Plum Susan ?
James Weist
Huntington 4th Grade 1952-1953 Mrs. Felger
Left to right
1st row (front) 2nd row 3rd row 4th row
Orley Cookson Jacki Maul Alan Barkley Wes ?
Ralph Wolfe Sue Hile Sally Johnston Rita Rouscher
Phil Holmes Sandy Hansmire Jim Hartman Don Anderson
John Perry Denny Craig ? Sandra Schick
Sarah Hohenstein Ann Munnis Fred Gass
Larry Hamilton Martha May Pat McMaster
Diane Underwood Ann Miller Evan Haydon
Jane Holm Mary Forrest Janet Sommer
Linda Lee Sharon McGinnis
Huntington 5th Grade 1953-1954 Miss Hess
Front to Back Row One on left side
Row One Row Two Row Three Row Four Row Five
Jim Weist ? ? ? Jack Calfee
Karen Otto Kip Hoffman Dave Wright Dean Thompson Mary Lou Kreps
Jack Hatfield Ann Munnis ? ? ?
? Diane Underwood Susanne Plum ? ?
? Linda Lee ? ? ?
Ted James ? Ginger Koon ? James Olsen
Sharon McGinnis Fred Gass
Huntington 5th Grade 1953-1954 Mrs. Furman
From front to back
1st row (left side) 2nd row 3rd row
Winona Spink Evan Haydon Sarah Hohenstein
John Perry Barbara McGrail Obed Cramer
Carol Bowmaster Orley Cookson Ralph Wolfe
Ardyth Holscher Denny Craig Sandra Schick
Darlene Sederburg Valerie Hitch Jacqy Maul
Mrs. Furman
4th row 5th row 6th row
Larry Hamilton Linda Carlson Sally Johnston
Pat McMaster Dale Byrne Sharon Swenson
John Shepherd Phyllis Porsche Dennis Page
Evelyn S Jerry Schweitzer Jerry K
Bobby Williams Patricia Miller
Roger White
Huntington 5th Grade 1953-1954 Mrs. Spearman
Front to back
1st row (left side) 2nd row 3rd row
Sheryl Robertson Peggy King Sue Hile
Don Anderson Nancy Cornell Martha May
Diane Stewart Don Gillard Judy Ueberrhein
Rita Rauscher Connie Myers
Judy Catlett Alwine Wirschke
Janet Sommer
4th row 5th row 6th row
Cathy VanLandingham Daryl Chapelle Sandy Hansmire
Sandra Ackerman Pat Neiswanger Ross Looney
Bobby Lyons Claude Wingrove Prudence Irwin
Mary Forrest Sherry Speir Steve Eisenach
Judy Spes Larry Stanley Bev Meyers
Ann Miller Margaret Johnson
Penny Paulson
Huntington 6th Grade 1954-1955
Left to right
1st row (front) 2nd row 3rd row 4th row
Karon Otto Judy Ueberrhein Jack Hatfield ?
Denny Craig Don Wright ? Bev Myers
Sandy Hansmire Joan Buckwaters Roger White Varerie Hitch
Sue Heilman Peggy King ? Nancy Cornell
Orley Cookson Lyle Tautfest Bill Peterson Sharon McGinnis
Bobby Lyons Dale Byrne Bill Seng Patricia Miller
Pat Neiswanger Jacqy Maul Sandy Ackerman ?
Phyllis Dinges Jim Olson Winona Spink Diane Rurup
Dean Thompson Sally Johnston Sarah Hohenstein Betty Becker
Huntington 6th Grade 1954-1955 Mrs. Anderson
Left to Right
First Row (front) 2nd Row 3rd Row 4th Row
? ? ? ?
Sue Hile Larry Kness ? Judy Catlett
Mary Forrest Carol Bowmaster ? Ann Miller
Janet Varga Virginia Koon Larry Stanley Sharon Fisher
JoAnn Shipp Penny Paulson Ralph Wolfe ?
? Cathy VanLandingham Don Anderson ?
Martha May Steve Eisenach John Perry ?
Barbara McGrail Larry Hamilton Ted James Janet Sommer
Linda Lee
Mr. Landis was the teacher for the third 6th grade class. Evan was in his class. Who else?
Many pictures on this page have unidentified students shown with question marks. Please help with identifying them. Email Evan at the address in the committee area with your much needed help. Thanks.
Riley School Pictures
Riley 3rd Grade 1951-1952 (This may be a 2nd and 3rd combined)
Left to Right
First Row Second Row Third Row
? ? ?
? Jerry Parmore Phil Hendrix
? ? Donna Boiler
? ? ?
? ? ?
? Bill Dresselhouse James Worrest
? ? ?
Martha Klein ?
? ?
Riley 4th Grade 1952-1953 Mrs. Owen
1. Donald Fielder 11. Joan ? 21. Bill Lewis
2. Ruthlynn Cannon 12. ? 22.Phil Hendrix
3. Sandy K. 13. ? 23. Donald Gies
4. ? 14. James Worrest 24. Joseph R.
5. Jerry Parmore 15. Joe Glick 25. ?
6. Bill Dresselhouse ('62) 16. Donna Boiler 26. Jolene Schleckman
7. Kathleen Hobbs 17. Kenny Hill 27. Kathy Heckman
8. ? 18. Bobby Matthews 28. Myron Sipp.
9. Eloise Horner ? 19. Lynda Higgins 29. Mike Mills
10. Martha Klein 20. Charles Keyser 30. Graham S.
Riley 5th Grade 1953-1954 Miss Miller
Left to Right
Front Row Second Row Third Row Fourth Row Fifth Row
Mike Mills Martha Klein Jerry Parmore Kathy Heckman Phil Hendrix
Jim Worrest Kathleen Hobbs Donald Fielder Lynne Morian ?
Charles Keyser Joe Glick Jolene Schleckman Bobby Matthews Gayle Anderson
Eloise Horner Kenny Hill Shari Glancy Donna Boiler
Myron Sipp Bill Lewis Lynda Higgins Donald Gies
Riley 6th Grade 1954-1955 Miss Karr
Left to Right
Front Row Second Row Third Row Fourth Row Fifth Row
Martha Klein Lyle Maxson Eloise Horner James Worrest Phil Hendrix
Donald Fielder Jerry Parmore Bob Matthews Mike Mills Bill Lewis
Kathy Heckman Joe Glick Gayle Anderson Charles Keyser Donna Boiler
Sharon Gustafson Judi Spes Kathy Hobbs Kenny Hill Shari Glancy
Lynne Morian Myron Sipp Don Gies Lynda Higgins
Bethany Grade School - Picture taken about 1961. Bethany was a high school until Northeast opened in 1941. The last grade school class left Bethany in the Spring of 1981.
Bethany 3rd Grade 1951-1952
(left to right)
Front row Second row Third row
Janie Sobieszczyk ? Jean Campbell
Carla Ruthroff Sandy Welding Judy Dutton
Mary Lou Schaffer Mike Pierce Karen Splichal
Sid McCartney Dick DeJarnette Ann Munnis
Scott Taylor Ruth Miller Richard Hoffman
Bob Shriner ? Larry McChesney
Sandy Cook ? Neil Wachtel
Tom Hadley Robert Parrish ?
Bethany 3rd Grade 1951-1952 Mrs McCreight
(left to right)
Front Row Second Row Third Row Fourth Row
Diane Dillow Lorraine Sampson ? Jody Reeder
? Bob Kerrey ? ?
? ? ? ?
Paul Hill Gerald Bouwens Luke Cox ?
JoAnn Shipp Jim Gillette ? ?
? ? ? ?
Margaret Sieck ? ?
Geraldine Bouwens ?
Bethany 4th Grade 1952-1953
(left to right)
Front Row Second Row Third Row Fourth Row
Geraldine Bouwens ? Patty Pitts Frosty Chapman
Gerald Bouwens ? ? ?
Oralie Skiles Morrey Hester ? Margaret Sieck
Patty Coleman ? Jim Gillette Larry Handa
Lorraine Sampson Susan Davis ? ?
Marian Bolin ? ? ?
Cindy Hester Cherie Graves Luke Cox
Cheryl Kennell
Bethany 4th Grade 1952-1953 Miss Siebert
(left to right)
Front Row Second Row Third Row
Donald Hanway Joyce Johnson Larry Rivers
? Maureen West ?
Gary Meng ? Janiel Shepherd
Keith Jackson Mary Jean Bovey Jody Reeder
Paul Hill Jo Ann Shipp Miss Siebert
Richard Faubel Michal Lemon Leroy Borreson
Bob Kerrey Cynthia Hester Kent Yates
Roger Martin Sandra Cook ?
Janet Everett
Bethany 4th Grade 1952-1953 Mrs. Stockholm
(left to right)
Front row Second row Third row
Kathy Lux Scott Taylor Judy Catlett
Edith Hart Sue Heilman Dick DeJarnette
Sarah Fitchett Richard Hoffman Janeil Shepherd
Janie Sobieszczyk Mary Lou Schaffer Ruth Miller
Neil Wachtel Judy Goin Mary Jo Thacker
Larry McChesney Tom Hadley Diane Faubel
Sandy James ? Karen Splichal
Judy Dutton Bob Shriner Mark Borchers
Mike Pierce Sid McCartney Larry Delhay
Bethany 5th Grade 1953-1954 Mrs. Stockholm
(left to right)
Front row Second row Third row
Scott Taylor Richard Hoffman Diane Faubel
Judy Goin Jim Gillette Susan Lassek
Kathy Lux Sandy James ?
Edith Hart Judy Dutton Ruth Miller
Janie Sobieszczyk Larry Handa Mary Jo Thacker
Mary Lou Schafer Mike Pierce Luke Cox
Sue Heilman Sarah Fitchett Karen Splichal
Sid McCartney Marc Borchers Gary Jelinek
Jim Hartman Larry McChesney
Bethany 5th Grade 1953-1954 Mrs. Wenzel
(left to right)
Front row Second row Third row
Gary Bornemeier Sandy Cook Jody Reeder
Tom Hadley Linda Sutter Susan Way
Richard Faubel Gary Meng Janeil Shepherd
Maureen West JoAnn Shipp LeRoy Borreson
Bob Kerrey Frosty Chapman Janet Everett
Cynthia Hester Mary Jean Bovey Michael Lemon
Geraldine Bowens Keith Jackson
Cherie Graves
Bethany 5th Grade 1953-1954 Mrs Mercer
(left to right)
Front Row Second Row Third Row
Mary DeVaney Gerald Bouwens Margaret Sieck
Sheralynn Schaaf Oralie Skiles Diane Dillow
Lorraine Sampson Patty Coleman Carol Crane
Judy Waples Kathy Scdoris Karen Hess
? ? William Ely
? ? ?
Morrey Hester ? Scott Taylor
? Paul Hill
Bethany 6th Grade 1954-1955 Mrs. Hamilton
(left to right)
Front Row Second Row Third Row
Harrold Bailey Mrs. Hamilton Marie Shefferd
Morrey Hester Albert Jansa Judy Dutton
LeRoy Borreson Gary Jelinek Billy Ely
Pat Neil Wachtel Diane Faubel
Peter Berger Doug Jones Lee
Sheralynn Schaaf Bill Griffith Richard DeJarnette
Kathy Scdoris Daniel Burnham Diane Dillow
Judy Waples Janie Sobieszczyk
Bethany 6th Grade 1954-1955 Mrs. Hinds
(left to right)
First row Second row Third row Fourth row
Gary Bornemeier Judy Goin Mark Borchers Jody Reeder
Gerald Bouwens Mary Lou Schafer Gary Meng Karen Hess
Richard Faubel Joyce Cook Jo Ann Shipp ?
Sid McCartney Rosemary Wiernicke Karen Splichal ?
Mary Carlyn DeVaney Larry McChesney Sandy James Steve Manley
Sandy Cook Roger Martin Joyce Johnson Janeil Shepherd
Maureen West Paul Hill Sarah Fitchett Larry Handa
Janet Everett Chuck Patton
Bethany 6th Grade 1954-1955 Mrs. Stahlnaker
(left to right)
First row Second row Third row Fourth row
Oralie Skiles Linda Sutter Bob Kerrey Mary Jo Thacker
Kathy Lux Joyce Foster Edith Hart ?
Cynthia Hester Geraldine Bouwens Mary Jean Bovey Sharon Churchill
Lorraine Sampson Pat Coleman Luke Cox Ruth Miller
Richard Hoffman Cherie Graves Michael Lemon Susan Way
Tom Hadley Keith Jackson Frosty Chapman Carol Conlan
Johnny Ray Jim Gillette Mike Pierce Kent Yates
Joe Gorman ?
Picture taken in the classroom of Mrs Stahlnaker. Notice how interested everyone is in what Keith is reading.